Through connections created by Building People, Renaisi, a member of our Refugee Community network, gained the opportunity to design and deliver a webinar in partnership with the Construction Leadership Council.
The November 2021 webinar, titled ‘Recruiting refugee talent in the UK,’ formed part of a series of events looking at how the construction industry can support displaced people, while also addressing the industry zone skills needs. The session enabled employers to find out more about the opportunity to recruit construction talent from a diverse untapped pool of refugee professionals (already resident in the UK with permission to work), and highlighted the work of Renaisi, which specialises in placing refugees into sustainable employment. It also meant that Renaisi was able to showcase candidates that have successfully made the move into construction.
Hannah Brooke, engagement manager at Renaisi, commented that “It was through the wide, yet focused, network that Building People has established that I was able to learn of this opportunity and then be connected to the right people for Renaisi to design and deliver the webinar. Being part of Building People means that our reach is extended and our voice is amplified, and this makes a significant difference in our mission to enable engineers, architects and business services professionals with refugee status to restart their careers here in the UK."